Cornwall Walking Football 

Cornwall Walking Football 


Rules of the Game and Other Useful Links 

Walking Football Rules....A Bit of a Maze.

There is more than one organisation in Great Britain, claiming to be the sport's governing body. All of them were newly started in different regions as the sport developed and none are more than six or seven years old. In the last couple of years the English FA have also become involved but there are huge regional variations in how 'far along' the game is with regards to leagues and tournaments, Cornwall is a bit late in coming to the party.

Set out below you will find links to some of the organisations who each claim to be the governing body of the game. They all have slightly different systems in place and ideas for taking the sport forward and we in Cornwall can learn from their mistakes and take the best bits they have developed to make us a national force for good in Walking Football.

WF GOVERNANCE UPDATE (Dec19): Both the FA and the IWFF are currently claiming to be the UKs ONLY Walking Football Governing Body. The WFA seem to be keeping our of this tussle but have organised the first ever Walking Football National Cup Competition. 
CLICK HERE  for details  


IWFF TV.    Click here


WFA Rules of the Game.    click here 

WFA Home.    click here 

WFA Cup. Click here

Cornwall FA

Cornwall FA Rules of the Game.   Click Here 

Cornwall FA Home.    Click  Here